ECO STEPS Associates
Islam ul Haque
Address: H. No 12, Alghani Street, Islamabad Farming Cooperative Society Sector D-17 Islamabad
Phone: +923005161673

Professional info
Islam ul Haque is a civil Engineer by profession having additional qualification in Environmental Engineering & Sciences and Master in Business Administration. he has served both in National and International organization in the field of Water, Wastewater and Environment.
Work experience
Chairman Eco Steps
March 2014 - present
Eco Steps is registered company providing solution for Ecological Sustainability through Environmental protection services through construction of wetlands for wastewater treatment.
Managing Director - PGECHS Gujranwala
Nov 2012 - Feb 2014
In addition to routine management activities, planning , designing and implementation of climate change adaptation interventions is the major area of focus.
National WASH Manager - Plan International
Dec 2010 - Oct 2012
Early Recovery Program, up-scaling of rural sanitation in 40 flood affected districts of Pakistan, targeting over 7 Million people. Planned and carried out construction of 17 wastewater treatment set-ups through constructed wetlands in 17 flood affected districts of Pakistan.
Consultant - Unicef Pakistan on Climate Change
Jun 2010 - Dec 2010
Consultant on Climate Change with UNICEF, Islamabad Pakistan for writing National Action Plan for adaptation of WASH Interventions in climate change.
Managing Director - Water and Sanitation Agency Rawalpindi
Feb 2007 - Feb 2010
Responsible for provision of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation services to 1.3 Million Inhibitants of Rawalpindi city.
Pakistan Army
Apr 1977 - 2001
Proformed duties on various assignments in the field of construction, roads, buildings and water supply projects. Also performed duties in mines clearance operation after 1st Gulf War.
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Sustainable Development
Environmental Awareness
Business Strategy
Integrated Water Resources Management
Water Quality Management
Wastewater Management
Solid Waste Management
2010 - present
2010 - present
PhD Scholar Environmental Engineering - NUST Islamabad
2006 - present
MS Environmental Engineering. NUST Islamabad
2003 - 2005
Master in Business Administration - AIOU Islamabad
BSc Civil Engineering - Military College of Engineering Risalpur
BSc - Pakistan Military Academy Kakul
Training Short Courses / Workshops Attended – International
Research Paper Presentation on “Water Resources Managementprospective in Pakistan on Water Supply & Sanitation Situation, Future Challenges, Issues & Mitigation Strategies” in 2010 TWAS Frontier in Water and Sanitation Workshop in Beijing China from 16th – 21th August, 2010
Participation and presentation of concept paper on the formulation of national water operator alliance in the First international conference of Global Water Operators Partnership Alliance Raising Awareness and Communicating the Urgency to Act 3-4 December, 2009 Zaragoza, Spain.
Formulation of action plan and code of conduct in the 2nd meeting of steering committee of Global Water Operator Partnership Alliance (GWOPA), steering committee member, at Stockholm Sweden from 15-18th August, 2009.
Participation in the International world water week for presentation of research paper held at Stockholm Sweden from 17-18th, August 2009.
World Bank Conference on Best practices sharing on Policies and Institutional Arrangements for Water and Sanitation Services (WSS): Comparing Pakistani cities and selected South African Cities, June 21-27, 2009 at Johannesburg, Durban and Pretoria (South Africa).
World Bank Conference titled “Tracking Global Water Challenges and climate change” “Adapting WSS Utilities to Climate Change” 17 -20 Feb, 09 at Washington, DC USA.
Global Water Operator Alliance (GWOPA) international conference 29-30th January, 2009 Nairobi, Kenya.
3rd Annual International Water Forum “Climate Change and Variability” June 4-6, 2008 at Atlanta-Georgia, USA,.
World Bank International Conference on “Unlocking the Potentials of Public Private Partnership (3Ps) in Water and Sanitation Services” from June 10-11, 2008 In London UK.
6th Annual Ground Water Conference GQ-07 ( IAHS), 3-7 December, 2007 Fremantle, Australia.
2nd Annual Mega City Water Forum “Planning for sustainable Growth” May 14 – 16, 2007 at Atlanta –Georgia USA,.
3 Dimensional Geological Mapping: Ground Water Application- Oct 2005 Salt Lake City Utah, USA.
International Publications
Use of wastewater in plain cement concrete ( PCC)-ISSN:1579-4377 - EJEAFChe
National action plan for arsenic mitigation, Pakistan was presented at the Annual meeting of Geological Society of America at Salt Lake City, Utah, USA on 19th October, 2005. (Conference proceedings)
Ground Water Arsenic Contamination – a multi directional emerging threat to water scarce areas of Pakistan – GQ 2007, Australia. (IAHS Publication, 324, 2008, 24 - 30)
Multifaceted Ground Water Quality and Recharge Mechanism issues and mitigation Strategies in the mega city –Rawalpindi , Pakistan (Conference proceedings)
“Managing and Planning Water Services” - International Water Association (IWA – World Water congress and exhibition –Vienna, Austria 7-12 Sep 2008) conference proceedings.
Effects of climate change on managing and planning water services in the Potohar Region of Pakistan-Tracking Global Water Challenges organized by World Bank – Conference proceeding and ISSN: 1579-4377 EJEAFChe
Editorial / Trefry, M. G. and ul-Haque, I., “Clean groundwater underpins the developing world”, Ground Water, 48(2), 170, March/April 2010. DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00643.x.
Socio-Economic Impacts on Human Life in Arsenic Affected Area of Basti Rasul Pur, Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan in – in sustainable agriculture research – Canada Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012 ISSN 1927-050x E-ISSN 1927-0518 .
Use of Municipal Wastewater in Plain Cement Concrete Construction Works no.11903, isbn: 978-3-8433-6234, - Book form publication by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GambH & Co. KG
National workshops
Promoting Green Industry Initiatives - for compliance of National Environmental Quality Standards ( NEQS)- 10-11 Dec, 2013, organized by UNIDO and Pak EPA - Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan
The ecosystem approach to Environmental management and EIA
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development “Australian Experiences”
Environmental Issues and Monitoring Techniques.
Workshop on “Public Private Partnership & Municipal Services: Water and Sanitation and Solid Waste Management” at World Bank Islamabad Office, 5-6 May, 2008.
Sustainable Development Industry.
Recent Advancements in Air Pollution monitoring and Control .
Priority Environmental Health Issues.
National Consultative Workshop Of Various Stake holders in Water
Sector on the revised National Drinking Water Quality Standards (NDWQS).
Training of Trainers (ToT) on the challenges of sustainable Water Supply Services at Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resource (PCRWR) July 28 to August 1, 2008.
National Coordination Conference on Improvement of Water Quality organized by Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resource (PCRWR) 5th August, 2008 Islamabad.
Strategic and performance improvement planning and institutionalization of performance Benchmarking in Urban Water and Utilities in Pakistan-22-29 January, 2008 Org by World Bank.
3rd Annual workshop of “ Urban Utilities on Sharing Experiences and Charting Way Forward ” – Feb 17-18 , 2010
National Journal Publications
National Action Plan for Arsenic Mitigation for Pakistan (NAPAM, 2005-2009)-sponsored by UNICEF and Ministry of Science and Technology- 2004
Work shop reports of provincial seminar on safe drinking water – Arsenic contamination problems in drinking water, Sindh.
Workshop report on ‘National Action Plan on Arsenic Mitigation (NAPAM, 2005-09).
Arsenic prevalence in the province of Sindh – Mitigation measures and strategies.
Adverse and ill-impacts of arsenic contaminated water on human health- sponsored by Health Services Academy, Ministry of health
Prevalence of Arsenic levels in drinking water and its adverse impacts on human health. (Vol-43, January – March 2009 No:9, Journal of Pakistan Engineering Congress ), page 51-59
Assessment of Surface and Ground Water Quality at some Selected Sites in Rawalpindi City- Engineering News Journal , of Pakistan Engineering congress, Vol: 43, Oct-Dec, 2009, No.12- p 75-94.
National Action Plan for Adaptation of WASH/WATSAN Interventions in Climate Change – with support of UNICEF and Ministry of Environment- 2010
Membership- Professional Organizations
Geological Society of America (GSA) USA – MS – 9100054
International Water Association (IWA) London- 00956022.
International Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS)UK-9207
Water and Environment Federation (WEF) USA (1805059)
Steering Committee Membership of ‘Global Water Operator Alliance’(GWOPA) under UN-Habitat- Nairobi , Kenya
Member Pakistan Engineering Council (Civil /7085).
Associates Member of institute of Engineers Pakistan (A-4745).
Pakistan Engineering Congress (4209)
Water Integrity Network (WIN)- Berlin, Germany
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - WSSCC -Switzerland
International Association of Engineers – Hong Kong
Civil Engineering MS No - IAENG-107429
Environmental Engineering MS No – IAENG-107434
American Water Resources Association -USA
National Ground Water Association – USA
Utah Waterfow Association – Salt Lake City -USA
International Safety Quality Environment Management Association- London , U.K
Water Utilities Benchmarking Association – WUBA (USA)
Environmental Health & Safety Benchmarking Association – EHSBA (USA)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – USA
Pacific Water and Wastes Associations (PWWA) – MS No. 0074 (Apia – SAMOA).
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance ( SuSanA)-
EcoSan Club
Global Environment Society ( GES)- 123GES456, Switzerland.
World Environmental Organization • 2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, #2001 • Washington, DC 20006
International Research Paper Reviewed
Effects of anthropogenic activities on chemical contamination within the Grand Canal, China -Manuscript Number: EMAS5115.
Hydrogeological and Hydraulic Characterization of an Alluvial Aquifer System in Orissa, Eastern India - Manuscript Number: EMAS6401.
Assessment of seasonal variations in surface water quality of Chitral River, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan– (WASJ-2010-616).World Applied Science Journal
Survey of drinking-water microbial quality in rural areas of Kashan and the role of Rural Water and Wastewater Company in improving it-(WASJ-2010-1284). World Applied Science Journal
Multi-Effect Passive Desalination System, an experimental approach- ( WASJ-2010-1427)
Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity for the Estimation of Artificial Groundwater Recharge Rate. WASJ, 2010-1217.
Groundwater Flow Direction In Ndokwa-East Local Government Area Of Delta State, Nigeria- JSSEM-10-0699 (Journal of Soil Sciences and Environmental Management).
Water Pollution of Sabarmati River – a Harbinger to Potential Disaster ( EMAS-D-13-00716)
Effect of disinfectants on bacterial quorum sensing in drinking-water distribution system-31726, Environment and Natural Resources Research Canadian Center of Science and Education
Lectures and Presentations
Presentation cum Lecture on “Issues, challenges related to drinking water in Pakistan” at Bahria university – Islamabad.
Lectures on “Issues related to safe drinking water in Pakistan” to civil servants of Pakistan 0n 27 August, 2010- National Institute of Management (NIM)- National School of Public Policy- Lahore.
Lecture on “Water resources management and safe drinking water in Pakistan” on 28 Jan,2011 at National Institute of Management (NIM) – CSP officers Lahore
Lecture and discussion on “Issues, challenges related to water resource management and mitigation strategies for provisioning of safe drinking water ”- to CSP officers at National Institute of Management (NIM)- Islamabad on 1 April,2011.
Government Process Management For Improved Service Delivery – to be adopted by water and sanitation agencies at National Institute of Management (NIM)- Islamabad on 6th July, 2012.
Pakistan’s Water Resources Management- water availability , demand, per capita consumption and the issues concerning conservation, supply and management in Pakistan. Management of potable water , challenges and constraints at the level of service delivery. Climate change challenges and their impacts on the environments- 21 Feb, 2013- at NIM, National School of Public Policy- Lahore
Governance Process Improvement for Effective Service Delivery- RAG-8, Assessment of committee recommendations on provision of safe drinking water to citizens of Rawalpindi- 16th April, 2013- at NIM, National School of Public Policy- Lahore.
Water Conservation & Management- at National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC) Foundation- UNIDO, UNEAP- Rawalpindi- 30 September, 2013.
Climate Change & Water Resource Management in Pakistan- at Civil Services Academy/ NIM- NIM, National School of Public Policy- Lahore on 8th October, 2013.
Climate change and water resource management in Pakistan at National Institute of Management (NIM) on 11 February, 2014.
- To discuss availability of water, demand, per capita consumption and the issues concerning conservation, supply and management in Pakistan.
- To discuss climate challenges and their impact on the Environment.
- To discuss management of potable water, challenges and constraints at the level of service delivery.
Master Thesis Supervision
Supervised MS student’s research study of the following student’s along with topics
Brig Javed Ashraf Bajwa - Assessment of sustainability and performance of mini water purification plants installed in Rawalpindi.
Major (R) Shafqat Nawab - Hospital waste management.
Major M Shakeel - Sewerage collection, treatment and disposal for Rawalakot city.
Organizations of Workshops
Organizing one day workshop on safe drinking water on health aspects of arsenic contamination at health services academy on 22 March 2005 at Islamabad
Arrangements to organize two days national workshop at Islamabad on 18-19 April is in progress for which all the paper work has been completed.
National Action Plan for Adaptation of WASH/WATSAN Interventions in Climate Change – with support of UNICEF and Ministry of Environment- 2010 – one day workshop at Islamabad
Dr. Tameez Ahmad , WES Specialist (Water Environment Sanitation). Unicef , Abuja Nigeria. Contact No. 234-9-4618600.
Dr. Murtaza Malik, Water , Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Manager - UNICEF Harare, Zimbabwe. Contact No. + 263914003667.
Dr. Alan. E. Fryar, Associate Professor and director of graduate studies, department of earth and environmental sciences, university of Kentucky-USA. Contact no. 1-8592574392.
Mr. Irfan Saeed Alrai, Water, Environment Sanitation specialist, unicef-Pakistan. Contact no. +92512097818