ECO STEPS Associates
To offer customized solutions for water resources management, exposed to adverse impacts of climate change , with value addition interventions for post project sustainability.
To study and identify adverse impact of climate change , in Pakistan context and chalking out climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and action plans
To contribute to sustainable economic development in Pakistan through deploying cutting-edge and most-modern technological approaches to business.
Drawing up behavior change communication strategies for creating awareness amongst the target population , communities and marginalized segments of the society, exposed / vulnerable to environmental degradation adverse impacts.
Eco STEPS conducts business according to the highest ethical principles. Our sound corporate governance practices is rooted in the same set of values and is based on high standards of personal and company integrity needed to earn the trust of our clients and wider stakeholders across Pakistan.
Being ethically unyielding, Eco STEPS prohibits discrimination in all of its projects and activities on the basis of religion,ethnicity, gender, culture or political affiliation.
Registered under Company’s Ordinance, 1984 with Securities and Exchange Commission, Government of Pakistan, Eco STEPS originated in Pakistan, which is a Country of its all major operations.


Eco STEPS is geared to meet the challenge of meeting the growing need to ensuring ecological integrity, balancing it with economic and social development. Eco STEPS has positioned itself at the forefront towards development of an ecologically sound business approach in Pakistan by offerings most economical, state of the art, latest, updated, indigenous and sustainable solutions to most pressing environmentally challenges making our precious resources to be re-utilized in efficient manner.
Check out our custom solutions and services.
Islam ul Haque, Chairman